Writings on the Artist

Conference Book

Of the Diagram: The Work of Marjorie Welish, edited by Aaron Levy and Jean-Michel Rabaté, Slought Foundation, 2003
Two essays from the book:
The Without: Gans & Jelacic, Architecture and Design
The Dark Opacity of Making, by Thomas Zummer


The Work, and…, Marjorie Welish with Lilly Wei in dialogue, 2016


Paper Architecture/Architecture de Papier (Working Title), Slought Foundation, essay by Joseph Masheck, sponsored by The Fifth Floor Foundation, 2005
Afraid of Red, Yellow & Blue?, essay by Elaine A. King, E.M. Donahue Gallery, excerpted for United States Ambassador’s Residence, 1995
Brochure, essay by William S. Wilson, E.M Donahue Gallery, 1993


Raphaëlle Saint-Pierre, “Quand deux artistes redessinent la ville”, Le Moniteur, 2017
Nanterre TV, “Exhibition Urbanisme sur papier / Urbanism on Paper”, 2017
Barbara MacAdam, “Inhaling and Exhaling Marjorie Welish's Abstract Paintings at Art-3 …”, Art News, February I, 2017
Art Critical Review Panel, February 7, 2017. David Cohen, Jessica Bell Brown, Jennifer Samet, John Yau
Painter’s Table, “Marjorie Welish: Some Differences”, 2017
Lilly Wei, "Marjorie Welish: Procedural Difference, Conceptual Consequence," Two Coats of Paint, December 7, 2016
John Haber, “Small Differences”, 2016
New York Art Beat, “Marjorie Welish ‘Some Differences’”, 2016
Wall Street International, “Marjorie Welish”, 2016
Lilly Wei, Art News, July 2008
John Haber, “Diagrams of Disorder,” haberarts.com, May 22, 2008
Jennifer Riley, New York Sun, May 15, 2008
Joe Fyfe, Art in America, June-July 2006
Edward Leffingwell, Art in America, May 2002
Grace Glueck, New York Times, December 19, 1997
J. Bowyer Bell, Review, December 1, 1997
Gloria Russell, Amherst (Mass.) Sunday Republican, February 9, 1997
James Auer, Milwaukee Journal Sentinal, April 7, 1996
Lilly Wei, Art in America, November 1993
Holland Cotter, New York Times, July 2, 1993

PDF for writings on the artist